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Effect House  / @effecthouse

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"Effect House is a powerful AR tool that makes it easy to create, publish, and share high-quality augmented effects for TikTok"

We helped launch @effecthouse across Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. For the TikTok channel, in Q2 alone we helped garner 202,127 followers, 31,088 engagements, and 3,324,244 video views. This channel features content promoting Effect Challenges, Global Trending Effects, Creator Firestarters, and information on product updates.

Account Director / Avery Namatevs
Director of Content / Matt Alioto
Social Media Manager
 / Lei Valdez
Project Manager / Rhett Bixler
Creative Director /
Grant Pilon
Sr. Videographer / Jorge Holguin-Reed
Strategist / Irina Snegirjova
Influencer Coordinator / Alexis Kelly

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Instagram Highlight Covers
Effect House requested a set of icons to serve as Instagram Highlight Covers, so users can efficiently search through past categorized IGS postings.

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Let's Get Wacky Challenge
TikTok launched an Effect Creation Challenge in Spring 2023. Asking creators to make an effect that will amuse, surprise, entertain, or make us laugh out loud. Winners have the chance to win up to $2,000! We supported Effect House in promoting this challenge and honoring the winners with a feature on our channel!

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